Thursday, 26 March 2015


Developing my design further I need to really think about the inside space. Making it more of a spatial experience - how does it feel inside the space?
If it is really just all about the space, is it purely about the light? Can a person be inside it easily? Size. Integrate it within the original house?

Beginning to think about the treatment of the space inside the design, with keeping the opening and closing structure at the top of the cone I am now going to play with integrating it into the house and tilt it so that the angle is more accurately in the suns path. I have also rotated the whole house to have it North East facing which is the actual direction of the house on the site. This will allow me to get the same sun angle and direction for my drawings.
Also inside the space the angles of the wall could be altered to create different shadows and highlights as the sun light comes into the space.

I have played with different angles in a model, trying to see what the light would do to each surface in terms of shadows

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