Friday, 27 February 2015

Document a Ritual

Select a homely ritual - my brainstorm in response to this was as follows.
- make bed
- light switches must all be off
- how I wash my face, order and process
- jewellery positioning as I take it off
- shut wardrobe door
- clean teeth
- how I tie up my hair
- having moose in corner of bed
- wearing my dressing gown at most times at home
- eczema cream application

After thinking about my personal rituals I decided to narrow them down to more of a personal one. As I am living away from home there aren't too many rituals that make me feel homely as I do things differently at home then here. The one that stood out to me most was my moose sitting in the corner of my bed. Moose was the first toy I received when I was born so has always been something special to me - apart from the fact that I have never wanted to play or snuggle him as a kid. He is purely a moose that sits there without being held like most toys do. He is a connection to home and is something that brings peace of mind to me just by knowing that he's there. 

I thought about the way I interact with him, or lack off, within my bedroom and thought about the movements I do day to day. I used this as my idea to form my documentation of a drawing. 

This drawing shows him in the corner of my room as the dot, and the constant flowing line revolving around him is my actions as I carry on with my day to day routines, but still knowing he is there.

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